Role: Production manager and creative director (incl. stage design)
Stage design: The design was intended to celebrate the International Women's Day, that happened on the same day of the event. It had more than 1500 flowers inside crates of beer, and with them I wanted to make a beautiful tribute to all the women that participated in the event. At the end of the day, each woman should grab a flower for herself. Each man should also grab a flower, but offer it to a special woman in his life.
Venue: Cinema Batalha
Lotation: 800 participants (full house)
Theme: À Flor da Pele (roughly means “Nerves on the edge”)
Main speakers: Henrique Cymerman (renowned journalist), Margarida Pinto Correia (Fundação EDP), Ana Aragão (illustrator), Fra Biancoshock (urban artist), Manuel Forjaz (entrepreneur and mentor)
Photo credits: Tiago Pereira